Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan

Capaian Pembelajaran

Learning Outcome

  1. Mampu menjelaskan anatomi dan faal tubuh manusia dalam hubungannya dengan farmakokinetika dan farmakodinamika obat-obatan yang bekerja pada sistem respirasi, kardiovaskuler, endokrin, reproduksi, ekskresi dan muskuloskeletal.
    Able to explain the anatomy and physiology of human body releted to the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic of the drugs effecting respiratory system, cardiovascular, endocrine, reproduction, excretion and musculoskeletal.
  2. Mampu melakukan prosedur pengelolaan sediaan farmasi serta pelayanan farmasi klinik.
    Able to perform the procedures of pharmaceutical products management and clinical pharmacy service.
  3. Mampu melakukan pelayanan resep dan non resep, kemudian memberikan komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi tentang obat dan alat kesehatan serta promosi kesehatan pasien sesuai dengan kode etik profesi dan perundang-undangan kefarmasian.
    Able to perform the service of prescription and non prescription, also provide communication, information and education about drug and medical equipment as well as promoting the health of patients in accordance with the preofessional code of ethics and pharmaceutical legislation.
  4. Mampu melakukan prosedur pengujian senyawa organik dan anorganik secara kualitatif kemudian melakukan pengujian kuantitatif menggunakan metode titrimetri, gravimetri, dan instrumental secara tepat dan aman.
    Able to perform the procedure of qualitative analysis in organic and inorganic compounds and able to perform quantitative analysis using titrimetric, gravimetric and instrumental methods appropiately and safety.
  5. Mampu mengidentifikasi tanaman obat dalam bentuk segar maupun simplisia secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis, kemudian mengisolasi metabolit sekunder dengan metode ekstraksi yang tepat dan analisis kandungan secara fisikokimia dan teknik kromatografi sehingga dapat dipergunakan untuk standarisasi simplisia dan produk obat tradisional.
    Able to identify the medicinal plants in the form of fresh or simplisia in microscopically and able to isolate secondary metabolites with appropriate extraction method and content analysis by physicochemical and chromatographic techniques that can be used for standarization of simplisia and traditional medicine products.
  6. Mampu mengidentifikasi mikroorganisme dengan berbagai metode serta melakukan teknik mikrobiologi untuk menentukan potensi dan eksplorasi antibiotik alami maupun sintetik
    Able to identify microorganisms with various methods and techniques of microbiology to determine the potential and exploration of both natural and synthetic antibiotic.
  7. Mampu merancang praformulasi, menyusun formulasi, melakukan prosedur pembuatan sediaan farmasi dalam bentuk padat, semipadat, dan cair baik steril maupun non steril serta melakukan pengujian secara fisik, kimia dan biologi sesuai dengan CPOB/CPOTB
    Able to design of preformulation, formulation, perform the procedures of pharmaceutical manufacture of solid, semisolid, and liquid dosage form, both sterile and non sterile also perform testing of physical, chemical and biological according to GMP/CPOTB.
  8. Mampu melakukan prosedur manajemen kefarmasian, administrasi dan pemasaran perbekalan farmasi serta mengembangkan peluang usaha di bidang farmasi.
    Able to perform pharmacy management procedure, administration and marketing pharmaceuticals also develop business opportunities on pharmacy area.
  9. Mampu menyusun kerangka serta menerapkan metode penelitian farmasi, kemudian menganalisa hasil menggunakan metode statistika sesuai kebutuhan.
    Able to develop and apply the methods of pharmaceutical research, also analyze the results using statistical methods as needed.
  10. Mampu mengoperasikan perangkat lunak, aplikasi basis data, entry data, update data, delete data dengan aplikasi utilitas.
    Able to operate the software, database applications, data entry, update data, delete data by utility applications.
  11. Menguasai farmakokinetika dan farmakodinamika obat.
    Mastering pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs.
  12. Menguasai prosedur pengelolaan sediaan farmasi dan pelayanan farmasi klinik.
    Mastering the procedures of pharmaceutical products management and clinical pharmacy service.
  13. Menguassai teknik dispensing, swamedikasi, KIE, dan promosi kesehatan yang berpegang pada kode etik serta undang-undang.
    Mastering the techniques of dispensing, self-medication, communication, information, education, and health promotion which holding on code of ethics and legislation.
  14. Menguasai prinsip dan prosedur analisa senyawa organik dan anorganik secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif.
    Mastering the principles and procedures of qualitative and quantitative analysis in organic and inorganic compounds.
  15. Menguasai konsep teoritis identifikasi, isolasi, dan analisis metabolit sekunder tanaman obat.
    Mastering the theoretical concept of identification, isolation, and analysis of secondary metabolites medicinal plants.
  16. Menguasai pengetahuan tentang mikroba serta skrining, isolasi, dan aktivitas antimikroba.
    Mastering the knowledge of microbes also screening, isolation, and antimicrobial activity.
  17. Menguasai konsep teoritis dan prosedur praformulasi, formulasi, teknologi serta pengujian sediaan farmasi.
    Mastering the theoretical concept and procedures preformulation, formulation, technology and testing of pharmaceutical products.
  18. Menguasai aspek pengelolaan, pembuatan laporan keuangan, dan strategi pemasaran perbekalan farmasi.
    Mastering management, financial statment, and pharmaceuticals marketing strategy.
  19. Menguasai pengetahuan bahasa inggris dan bahasa mandarin.
    Mastering the knowledge of English and Mandarin.

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